Terms & Conditions

DISCLAIMER: Terms and Conditions

Students, staff and parents must all follow a respective Code of Conduct. Furthermore, the aforementioned Individuals must also follow all other school policies whilst attending Step Up or any other events associated with Step Up Dance Studios. By either: submitting an application form, allowing your child to attend a

class, attending a class yourself, being within Step Up premises or premises in which Step Up operates, you hereby agree to the below Terms and Conditions and accept that you will follow the Code of Conduct in place and any other supporting policies for Step Up. Step Up nor any of its Directors, Staff or Volunteers accept any responsibility for the negligence of any party in following these policies and their principles. All policies are

viewable at any time on our website: www.stepupdancestudios.co.uk


*Fees are payable by term or if attending lots of classes monthly

*Students must commit to the term in full and attend all classes - therefore term must be paid for in full, even if attended in part

*Term fees must be settled in full by WEEK 2 of the term, unless paying by instalment

*If paying by instalment, this must be agreed before the term start date. Term total must be settled by the last day of the respective term

*Fees will only be pro-rata when a student starts during a term, in such cases - fees must be settled by WEEK 2 of


class attendance

*Term information including cost and payment information will be communicated at least 2 weeks in advance of the new term

*Any amounts that go beyond the due date are subject to an additional £15 late payment charge

*Cases of late payments may be passed on to professional services, including your details, for retrieval of

outstanding amounts

*Refunds will not be given for non-attendance of the term unless certain circumstances arise - for refund information see Section 4 below


NOTE: No Bank Transfers or paypal.

*Payment can be made via cash at the first class or online banking through pay link.

*Any cash amounts issued to Step Up must be within a sealed envelope, marked with the amount being paid and the name of the student written on the front and only ever issued to a member of Step Up Staff or posted in the post box.

*Payment for the full term can be made in instalments or weekly amounts this must be agreed in advance with us before the term start date so we can note when to expect your payments. Competition girls can pay weekly.

*If you fail to pay in full/first instalment by week 2 of the term, your child may be removed from the class list without notice

*Please email stepupdancestudios@gmail.com if you have any problems and not any private social media thank you

Section 3 - Late Payments:

*If the payment for the term is not received by WEEK 2 of the term (or another agreed date) a £15 late payment charge will be added to the total due

*The individual who submitted the application form on behalf of the child who attended class will be contacted. It is the responsibility of the Parent/Legal Guardian to ensure they have informed Step Up of any changes to contact details

*Failure to respond to correspondence sent by Step Up within 28 days, will render the amount 'overdue'

*Personal details from overdue cases will be passed to professional services for the retrieval of any amount outstanding.

Section 4 - Refund Policy :

*Step Up cannot and will not provide refunds for holidays or other commitments

*Step Up cannot and will not issue refunds to those who leave mid-term

*Step Up can not give a refund if its bad weather or lockdowns or any other thing that are out of our control

Section 5 - Registration, Attendance and Absence

*A register for each class is maintained by the teacher who records student attendance for the purposes of health & safety and security - this may also be used for purposes of Track & Trace throughout Covid-19

*Students are expected to attend the full term and should only miss classes if they are unable to attend due to illness

*Parents must inform Step Up that their child is not able to make class by email

*If a student fails to attend class on 2 or more consecutive occasions without notice/reason, they may be removed from the class list

*If an offering is cancelled due to the sickness of a teacher, or any other seen or unforeseen event, Step Up will endeavour to reschedule/rearrange the offering or provide an alternative. This may be on a different day/time or both from when the offering was originally scheduled and might involve an extension to

the term-time dates. The rescheduled/rearranged offering may also be at a different venue within a reasonable distance from the original. Step Up will consider offering online alternatives where physical offerings are not possible. No refunds will be given if an offering is rescheduled/rearranged or an alternative is provided

Section 6 - Right To Attend, Change Classes And Withdrawn Or Terminate Attendance

*All current Step Up students are guaranteed a space in a Step Up class* and will be automatically enrolled into the next term

*It is the Parent's/Legal Guardian's responsibility to inform us at least 2 weeks in advance of the new term starting, if their child is NOT returning to the class

*if a student's term fees have not been paid in advance, Step Up reserve the right to terminate a student's attendance at any time under reasonable circumstances

*If a student wishes to change and/or start an additional class, Parental/Legal Guardian consent must be given prior to attending

*Parents may withdraw or terminate their child's attendance mid-term - terms in Sections 4 & 5 will apply

*Depending on class availability, current students may not be placed in the same class in the new term. Any change will be communicated in advance of the new term starting, via email. If your child moves into a different age group e.g. moving from P3 into P4, they may be required to attend a different class. Parents should make Step Up aware of any moves not apparent to us already, in advance (at least 2 weeks prior to the new term starting).

Section 7 - Discount

*If you do tap ballet modern you get acro class there is big discounts

*Siblings attending SSD classes/offerings will receive 10% off the total amount due off

*Step up offers a competition discount pass ( please see Miss Kerry for more details.

*Discounts are not guaranteed and may be changed/altered at any time

Section 8 - Workshops/Holiday Camps

*Payment for workshops/holiday camps must be paid by the date stipulated by Step Up at the time of booking. Payment can be made through online or in cash at a Step Up Dance Studios

Section 9 - Activity Provider

*Step Up is an activity provider. It is at the sole discretion of the Parent/Legal Guardian to leave the grounds of any site where Step Up carries out classes whilst a child attends for the duration, and should only do so under the trust and knowledge that their child is competent enough to look after their self and attend toilet

facilities on their own. Step Up Teachers are PVG checked and First-Aid trained and will always ensure the health, safety and security of students is of primary importance at any classes however Step Up and Step Up staff cannot provide personal care - this remains the responsibility of the Parent/Legal Guardian. Teachers are there only for the supervision of the activity to ensure it is carried out appropriately and safely.

Section 10 - Photography/Marketing

*We must have your full and explicit consent to take photography or record videography for either yourself, or for your child if they are under 18 years of age. Your consent may influence some of the activities your child is able to take part in - you can update your preference by contacting us Parental filming/photography is permitted - only for your own child. Any material or footage taken must not include any other children. In such cases where other children are in photography or footage, this must be erased by the person responsible and especially not shared on any platform unless permitted by the child's parent/guardian(s)

Section 9 - Activity Provider

*Step Up is an activity provider. It is at the sole discretion of the Parent/Legal Guardian to leave the grounds of any site where Step Up carries out classes whilst a child attends for the duration, and should only do so under the trust and knowledge that their child is competent enough to look after their self and attend toilet

facilities on their own. Step Up Teachers are PVG checked and First-Aid trained and will always ensure the health, safety and security of students is of primary importance at any classes however Step Up and Step Up staff cannot provide personal care - this remains the responsibility of the Parent/Legal Guardian. Teachers are there only for the supervision of the activity to ensure it is carried out appropriately and safely.

Section 10 - Photography/Marketing

*We must have your full and explicit consent to take photography or record videography for either yourself, or for your child if they are under 18 years of age. Your consent may influence some of the activities your child is able to take part in - you can update your preference by contacting us Parental filming/photography is permitted - only for your own child. Any material or footage taken must not include any other children. In such cases where other children are in photography or footage, this must be erased by the person responsible and especially not shared on any platform unless permitted by the child's parent/guardian(s)

Section 11 - Privacy

Step Up as a business we collect, process and hold certain pieces of personal data when parents/individuals book our offerings or when

attending our premises

As a parent/attendee, you have the right to request that your information is: corrected, changed or completely

removed - you can contact us directly at stepupdancestudios@gmail.com to do this and to request information on the data we hold about you. You can read our full Privacy Policy, including all other supporting Step Up policies on our website: www.stepupdancestudios.co.uk

Last Updated = 22nd April 2023

